Online Bible is a program that lets you read, study, and compare different versions of the Scriptures. It also features several Bible-related books by reputable religious scholars. The program allows you to open a given verse, chapter, book, definition, and so on directly from the Open menu or using the graphic toolbar at the top of the interface.
Although the default desktop of the program may seem too crowded, you can create your own desktop with the features of your choice. Thus, you can set the program to show, for example, a portion of the Gospels, a chapter of one of the books, a part of a devotional, and so on, so you can read the parts in which you are interested without the need of opening and closing windows. The process is not easy, though, so you may want to read the Help file before using this and other functions.
You can add more books, audio files, and Bible versions. To do so, you need to order them from the developer's website.
Maybe the only drawback is that the interface is rather unattractive and the desktop-creating process is not very easy to follow, as we have said. Otherwise, this program can be useful for clerics, Bible scholars, and for any person interested in the study of the Christian Bible.
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